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Sunday, February 28, 2010

National Amateur Free For All Championship

National Amateur Free For All Championship
Top Qualifying - Josie Wales - Harvey Crosby/Vance Wyatt

Champion - Jamback's Sugar - Johnny Capps/Ruben Richardson
Runner Up- Cox'z Arc Fault - Brent Cox Champion - Jamback's Sugar - Johnny

AFTCA Region 3 Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Championship

 The Winners 

Judges Ron Fields and Jim Crews, this afternoon, named Check Point Spot, handled by Bill Pellechia, the 2009/2010 Region 3 AFTCA Walking Shooting Dog Champion. Ruff House Reba, handled by Ray Rinker was named the runner up.

AFTCA Region 3 Walking Shooting Dog Championship
Starts Friday February 27, 8 AM at Amelia WMA, Mason's Corner, Virginia. Judges Ron Fields and Jim Crews.

Running Order

1 Check Point Steeler B Pellechio
Bobs Elhew Wendy B Phillips

2 Pinekome Hobo L Flanders
Check Point Annie B Pellechio

3 Avenging Angel A Mourino
Ruff House Reba R Rinker

4 Peace Dale Duke Frisella/Haywood
Crowd Pleaser M Jones

5 Crandall's Triple Play J Crandall
Tail Hook Lizzie W Pennington

6 Bob's Miller Sue B Phillips
Verlene's Ringo Star V Stephenson

7 Sporty Andy A Mourino
Check Point Spot B Pellechia

8 Quinton Oak BudLight J Lewis
Porter Meadow Elwood J Bush

9 Pinekone Street Sense A Morgan
Sinbad's Little Bit D Terrell

10 Bob's Elhew Maggie B Phillips
Stony Run Amy D Snyder

11 Pinekone Jackson A Morgan
Bryant's Town Snake Eyes Bryant/Lewis

12 Porter Meadow Elroy J Bush
Jake The Gentleman Forrester/Crandall

South Eastern Open Shooting Dog Championship Winners

CH Erin's Dancing Queen   PF  Luke Eisenhart

CH Erin's Dancing Queen

RU CH Coveyrise Offlee Amazin  PM  Shawn Kinkelaar

51 Entries

Saturday, February 27, 2010

East Alabama Open Shooting Dog derby

1. Bud pm Thomas

A. Rod pm Gelhaus

2. Cooper pm Kimbrell

Rock pm Thomas

3. Sam sm Perkins

Jigs pm Kimbrell

4. Uplander's Pocahantus pf G. Tracy

Babe pf Thomas

5. Windy pf Rutland

Waiting Til Midnight pf Tracy

6. Ding pm Perkins

Caladen's Rail Hawk pm Tracy

East Alabama Herman Smith Memorial Open Shooting Dog

Trial will begin Monday Morning. We will run six braces of dogs a day.

1. High Drive Catt pm G. Tracy
Great River Class pf M. Tracy
2. Sukara's Come Home Jessie sf J Tracy
Voyager sm G. Tracy
3. R. J.'s Hard Copy pm G Tracy
Talisman pm M. Tracy
4. Enhancement Tess pf J. Tracy
Green Mountain Keeper pf M. Tracy
5. Annafield Buck pm G Tracy
Klee's Handsome Hank pm M. Tracy
6. Serious Threat pm M Tracy
Caladen's Sawmill Strutten pm G. Tracy
7. Buffalo Creek pm M. Tracy
Bay Country Hope pf J. Tracy
8. Enhancement Alice Jane pf J. Tracy
Duke Delta Dancer pf Gellhaus
9. Great River Magnum pm M. Tracy
Pheasant Ridge Happy pm Perkins
10.Buffalo Bull pm M. Tracy
Sante Fe Pal pm Kimbrell
11.Klee's Calypso pm M. Tracy
Cox Arc Fault pm Cox
12.Sukara's Grace sf J. Tracy
Avalon Creek pf M. Tracy
13.Enhancement Trey pm J. Tracy
Bittersweet Deluxe pm Gellhaus
14.Great River Ice pm M. Tracy
Chambliss Mill Pepper pm Gibson
15.Great Rive Dominator pm J. Tracy
Klee's Shooting Star pf M. Tracy
16.Heritage pm M. Tracy
Sante Fe Patches pf Kimbrell
17.My Big Bully pm M. Tracy
Heaven's Houdini Gate pm Gellhaus
18.Hidden Thrill pm J. Tracy
Big N Rich pm G. Tracy
19.No Rules pm G. Tracy
Hamilton's Madison sf Perkins
20.Zumbro Mollie Mae pf Gellhaus
Blue Bar Dot pf G. Tracy
21.Skydancer Making Time sm Gellhaus
Cisco Kid pm G. Tracy
22.Piper's Hot Patch pm Vaughn
Hasty Hot Pepper pf Kimbrell
23.M's Kid Rock pm G. Tracy
Conecuh Station Field Gate pm Gibson
24.Piper's Power Attitude pm Vaughn
Beckworth Zeke pm Gelhaus
25 Calico's Dino Mite pm G. Tracy
Thunderbird's Skydancer sm Gellhaus
26.Windflower pf Pombrio
Thunderbird's Punch Buggy sm Gellhaus
27.Mac's Silver Dollar pm G. Tracy
Zumbro Ace pm Gellhaus
28.Conecuh Station Gator pm Gibson
Maple Sugar Nugget pm G. Tracy
29 RJ's Shortstop pm G. Tracy
Mohawk Mill Rogue pm Thomas
30. Heaven's Elhew Taggert pm Gellhaus
Caladen's Rail Hawk pm G. Tracy
31.Bittersweet Pride pm Thomas
Caladen s White powder Rail pm Kimbrell
32.Calico's Catch N Release pm G. Tracy

The Open Derby will begin Saturday as soon as Shooting Dog ends.

Friday, February 26, 2010

National Amateur Free For All Call Back

Completed call back and brace sheet:

Top Qualifier: Josey Wales (Crosby)


1st Brace: Fibber's Mudslinger (Moore) & Conecuh Station Field Gate (Gibson/Capps)

2nd Brace: Great River Magnum (Sanchez) & Bridges Lake Pat (Moore)

3rd Brace: High Noon Sport (S. Nygard) & Time Line Lane (Peterson)

4th Brace: It's Only Money Honey (Miller) & Western Union (Goodwyn)


1st Brace: Maple Sugar Nugget (Joyl) & Tripmaker (Perry)

2nd Brace: Josey Wales (Crosby) & Hard Up Road Jessie (Moore)

3rd Brace - Cox Arc Fault (Cox) & Jambacks Sugar (Capps)

4th Brace: Panther Creek Snapshot (Rutland) & Lester's Gold Digger (Miller)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Masters OSD Championship

Master's OSD Running Order

1. Merrihill Dakota PF Kinkelaar
    Smarty Smith SM Ray

2. Mohawk Mill Rogue PM Thomas
    Mom's Apple Pie PF Williams

3. Calico's Tom Thumb PM Ray
    Nella Runnin Tab PM Kinkelaar

4. Street Sense PM Williams
    Four River Commander PM Kinkelaar

5. Bridges Lake Pat PF Ray
    Elhew Hanabel PF Kinkelaar

6. Dogwood Meg PF Kinkelaar
    Elhew Gunner PM Ray

7. Merrihill Carolina PF Kinkelaar
    Hawthorn Big Shooter PM Tande

8. Casique Bohicket PM Ray
    Class Act Special PM Walker

9. Gypsy's Elhew Hannah PF Williams
    Hot Topic PF (IS) Kinkelaar

10. Casique Low Rider PM Ray
      Nonami's Bobby Jones PM Pearce

11. Class Act Mark PM Walker
      Coveyrise Offlee Amazin PM Kinkelaar

12. Hardup Road Jessie PF (IS) Ray
      Hawthorn Kate PF Tande

13. Barbaro SM Ray

The first four braces of the National Amatuer Free For All have been posted

The first four braces have been posted and are as follows:

1st Brace: Fibber's Mudslinger (Moore) & Conecuh Station Field Gate (Gibson/Capps)

2nd Brace: Great River Magnum (Sanchez) & Bridges Lake Pat (Moore)

3rd Brace: High Noon Sport (S. Nygard) & Time Line Lane (Peterson)

4th Brace: It's Only Money Honey (Miller) & Western Union (Goodwyn)

They will post second day later today. Remember the call back is 1 1/2 hour braces.

Article on the National in the New York Times

In Field Trialing, Bird Dogs Call Shots and Humans Follow


Published: February 23, 2010

GRAND JUNCTION, Tenn. — The competitors arrived at the historic Ames Plantation in pickup trucks with built-in dog kennels, pulling gooseneck trailers hauling saddle horses. After a year of crisscrossing the country, the holy grail of their sport was at last in reach for the owners of 39 of the best bird-hunting dogs in North America.

The National Championship for Field Trialing Bird Dogs, first held here in western Tennessee in 1896, determines the continent’s most elite canine athlete. On Tuesday, In the Shadow, an English pointer owned by Carl Bowman of Louisville, Ky., and handled by Robin Gates, was named the 111th champion after an event lasting two weeks in which he competed on the third day.

Field trialing is an expensive and obsessive sport, and a unique American subculture. Dog owners spend thousands on food, lodging, veterinarian bills and gasoline, all in pursuit of a $20,000 prize and the glory that goes with it.

To make it to Ames, the dogs must win at least two of the approximately 75 qualifying field trials held in the United States and Canada. Four of this year’s competitors were returning champions. The dogs are mostly pointers, with three English setters, a breed that has not won since 1970.

The dogs run in pairs, or braces — one brace in the morning and one in the afternoon. The event lasts as many days as it takes each dog to complete one three-hour hunt for quail.

The only way to view the event is on horseback or by leapfrogging ahead in trucks on dirt roads and waiting for a glimpse of the dogs as they run by at a trail crossing. Mounted spectators can number as many 500, all following the judges, dog owners and handlers, who themselves trail the dogs through the damp winter farm country.

The competition this year was hammered by storms, with snow crusting into paw-slashing ice that made the 6,000-acre course unsafe, setting the schedule back more than three days. After the weather cleared, dogs ran through melting snow and mud.

One day last week, Sheldon Twer, a trainer from Oakdale, Calif., waited for the dogs to come through at a crossing point. He competes in about 25 field trials a year and, for him, Ames is the only place to be in February. "The dogs that make it to this level are exceptional,” Twer said. “It’s really an honor to be here. You can sell a dog for $50,000 that’s made it to this level. It costs about $6,000 to $7,000 a year to develop one. You get four or five years in them.”

One purpose of field trialing is to identify the top bloodlines and to pass along the DNA of the dogs with an indomitable drive to hunt. Through breeding, the characteristics of a champion will eventually transfer into the general population of bird dogs that are companions to the average upland bird hunter.

Two dogs emerged through the bramble: Elhew Sinbad, a white-coated pointer, and Highground Jax Jabba, a spotted setter. Their flanks were slathered with mud and they loped by, tongues agape.

The mounted spectators, approximately 200, passed the people parked at the crossing point. Everyone seemed to know one another. Some hollered out to Twer and he waved back.

“We work together,” Twer said. “Like any sport there are some guys that don’t like each other — some animosity — but for the most part, it’s a pretty close-knit group. It’s worse than a cult. It’s an addiction.”

Two days earlier, In the Shadow set the high mark by finding 10 quail. When a dog smells quail, it freezes, steady and statuelike, and remains locked on three legs with one forepaw tucked under its chest. With the dog on point, the handler wades into the brush, flushes the covey of quail and fires a starter pistol. The birds are not killed, but counted as a “find.” The dog must not flinch as the birds take flight and must stand staunch until released by the handler.

Penalties are given for “unproductives,” referring to when a dog points to a quail that does not exist, or points to another creature. This year, cottontail rabbits and armadillos were pointed.

If two dogs are hunting in close proximity and one goes on point, the other dog must freeze behind the pointing dog (the dog receives credit for doing so).

“There’s an old saying — you’ll never win a field trial with a back, but if your dog fails to back, you could lose one,” said Ken Blackman, a field trialer who helps videotape the event.

In most field trials, dogs run only for an hour, but at Ames they run for three and are expected to finish with surplus vigor. Judges look for big-running dogs that quarter forward through the brush hungering for quail. At the end of the competition, In the Shadow was declared judged the champion. For the other dogs, there is always next year, but they still have to qualify in other field trials to make it back to Ames.

“I told the old gentleman who started me in this sport 40 years ago that it probably would have been better to give me a gram of cocaine because then I could have done my time in prison,” said Larry Garner, an amateur bird dog field trialer from Dallas. “I could have gone through rehab and become a productive citizen again instead of being addicted to bird dogs and chasing them all over the United States and Canada.”

National Am. Free For All

The initial dogs being called back in the Nat. Am. Free For All have been announced. This is not a complete list given there are six more braces being run today and this does not place them in proper running order.

Fibber's Mudslinger (def. Ch.)

Its Only Money Honey - Miller

High Noon Sport - Nygard

Great River Magnum - Sanchez

Western Union - Goodwyn/Rhyne

Time Line Lane - Peterson

Lester’s Gold Digger - Miller

Bridges Lake Pat - Moore

Josey Wales - Crosby/Wyatt

Maple Sugar Nugget - Joyl

Jambacks Sugar - Capps

Hard up Road Jessie - Moore
Tom Nygard

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New National Champion Crowned

In The Shadow

with handler Robin Gates, scout Hunter Gates and

owner Carl Bowman

In The Shadow (Buster) is owned by Carl Bowman of Louisville, KY, handled by Robin Gates, and scouted by Robin's son Hunter Gates. Born in March 2004 Buster was a special pup from the beginning, pointing wild quail from an early age. He is the Bowman's house dog during the off season and rides everywhere with Mrs. Bowman during her errands around Louisville where he is well known at Starbucks and the bank.

This was Buster's third time in the National Championship. His performance last year included three finds, two backs and one unproductive. His performance this year included ten finds and one unproductive. This ten find performance combined with a super strong race will go down in history as one of the greatest exhibitions of a bird dog's performance in the last couple of decades.

We want to express our sincere CONGRATULATIONS to In The Shadow and his owner Carl Bowman and the father and son duo Robin and Hunter Gates of Gates' Kennels, Leesburg, GA. GREAT JOB!!

Brad Harter, official reporter for the National, compiled the following report on the brace in which the champion, In The Shadow, ran.

Brace 6, Thursday P.M. Feb. 11th In the Shadow (Buster) (owned by Carl Bowman, handled by Robin Gates and scouted by Hunter Gates) X (Mega Touch (Ted) (Owned by Bob & Sarina Craig & John Sayre, Handled by Andy Daugherty and scouted by Allen Vincent.

The temperature had reached the mid thirties and the ground was beginning to soften. At five years of age Ted re-qualified for the National by winning the Texas Championship. With 8 wins to his credit, Ted is a strong, prairie type of dog that likes big open country. Bob Craig was riding for Mega Touch. In the Shadow, Ben Adams & Distant Shadow are all littermates out of the fabulous cross between Miller’s White Powder & Doerr’s Claire’s Shadow who is out of Joe Shadow. All three dogs have distinguished themselves by winning many field trials.

Buster started his 3rd bid for the National Championship. His proud owner Carl Bowman of Louisville Kentucky was riding in the gallery to see his charge.

Released from the afternoon breakaway both dogs made impressive cast showing at the far end of the first long field. The weather was sunny and warmer making the conditions for humans somewhat nicer. It was almost perfect conditions to catch birds feeding if we had dogs with hunting on the brain

In The Shadow was on the board at the 16 minute mark on the left side of the Buster Graves pasture. Birds lifted just where he said they were as Robin walked towards his stylish dog. His manners were as good as it gets. Sent toward the front Buster wheeled and pointed to the left side of the Buster Graves driveway. Only three minutes had elapsed since his first find. If bird finding wasn’t on his brain from the very beginning, it certainly was now! With two finds in the book before the first road crossing the stage was set for what could become a great afternoon.

Crossing the Ames road Buster continued taking in the country at a pace that makes one wonder if he could keep this going for three hours. Those in the gallery that had witnessed Buster perform in the past knew that would be no problem. Buster had gained admirers with his showing in last year’s National Championship. His win in the Southeastern had re-qualified him to return.

Both dogs hunted past Cedar Hill and made the big turn in the horseshoe bend. Through the Chute area we were catching a glimpse of each dog as they crossed the front. Point was called for Ted on the left before we made the turn towards the Strawberry Patch. It was a pretty piece of work for this strong powerful dog.

Approaching the Strawberry Fields, Buster took the right side and disappeared over the hill. Hunter Gates was dispatched to find his dog. His call of point was muffled by the horses and the terrain. Joe Thompson rode to get Robin and the Judges who returned to find Buster buried in a thick fence row. Only the ability of a skilled scout could have found the dog in this situation. A large covey was put to wing and all was in order.

Catching the front Buster was using his experience and was hunting sedge field edges where he had been finding Quail which appeared to be out and feeding. At the old dairy pasture Buster took the right side and was quickly gone from view. After making the turn into Turkey bottom Hunter Gates, scouting Buster, was sent to search the area where the dog had been seen last. The handler, gallery and the judges rode on across turkey bottom and up the next hill. From a distant the call of point came from Hunter. After locating Hunter’s position it was determined we would have to ride back down and cross a large gulley to get to the pointed dog. Buster was standing next to a strip of soybeans in a location that could not possibly have been seen except for the keenest sight from an experienced scout. Hunter Gates is a respected member of the Gates team and one of the best in the business. Birds were flushed right where Buster indicated they were.

Regaining the front, Buster took the left side as we approached the Old Agronomy Shed. Hunter was dispatched and soon he indicated the dog was pointed. Hunter had seen birds running on the ground and informed Robin of this situation. Robin flushed but to no avail. Sent on to relocate, his dog was unable to pin the running birds which somehow had made their escape.

Rounding the Agronomy Shed, Buster pointed in a fence row. A single bird was seen, others possibly flushing from the far side. Everything was in order. Buster was showing class, strength and bird finding ability, everything you would expect from a dog vying for the National Championship.

Ted had not been seen for some time at near the two hour mark, Andy called for the tracking equipment ending Ted’s bid for the title.

For the next thirty minutes Buster hunted fast and forward toward Cox’s Ridge. Robin called Buster in and dried him with a towel. Released Buster went to the right and pointed in less than 50 yards standing in tall bi-color. His style and intensity was as grand as it had been on his first stand.

Just before crossing Caesar’s Ditch Buster pointed on the left side of the hill. He had a covey perfectly located for his seventh find.

Across Caesar’s Ditch Buster went to the front and was soon spotted standing on the edge of heavy cover. As we approached a deer bolted from directly in front of the stylish dog. Within seconds a large covey erupted, find number eight. Robin then announced that deer season was closed and we were hunting birds.

Sent on across Buford Ellington road Buster was hunting the front and still running strong. Buster took the edge towards Turner Road and with Judge Bryan watching him he wheeled to the right and stabbed his ninth covey almost in the same exact spot White Powder Pete had pointed them in the morning.

Turned loose across the big crop field Buster was slinging dirt as if he had just been turned loose. Buster made a bold cast towards the new pond basin as Robin rode on to the left. With 24 seconds left and all the judge’s eyes on him Buster swapped ends standing on almost bare ground. At the call of point Robin came from the far left. He evaluated his dog, looked at the lack of cover and must have wondered if his dog did have birds pointed. Walking to Buster birds began getting up everywhere. A shot was fired and the brace was over, a fitting end to a magnificent three hours.

Everyone present knew they had witnessed a great performance. The bar had been set for this 111th running of the National Championship at the historic Ames Plantation. The courage and wisdom that only come with brains and perfect conditioning was evident in this classic three hours of endurance and bird finding exhibited by this great, Champion pointer.

Would his performance hold up to the 27 dogs left to run? Only time could answer that question!

For the Ames Plantation website click here.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

National Shooting Dog Invitational

The winner was Ninnescah Nicole handled by Chuck Stretz and Owned by Dr. Richard Steckley.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

2010 National Amateur Free For All Championship Drawing

2010 National Amateur Free For All Championship Drawing
Monday, Feb. 22nd

Brace #1
Class Act Mark - Walker
Its Only Money Honey - Miller

Chasehill Sweet Tea - Richardson
High Noon Sport - Nygard

Great River Magnum - Sanchez
Chiorboy - Stallings
Just One Time Northcutt - Perry
Western Union - Goodwyn/Rhyne

Great River Ice - Sanchez
Pineywoods Nailbiter - Hendley

Conecuh Station Shortstop - Gibson
Time Line Lane - Peterson
Alabama Thunder - McDuffie/Peterson
Bittersweet Alibi - Sanchez

Prairie Dog Bob - Joyl
Docs a 6 gun - Anderson/McDuffie

Wait Till Midnight - Perry
Quicksilver Snow Angel - Stallings

Walden Ridge Dee - Steele
Conecuh Station Fade away Gibson

Conecuh Station Field Gate - Gibson/Capps
Lester’s Gold Digger - Miller

Big Swamp Stroll - Rhyne/Goodwyn
Bridges Lake Pat - Moore

Conecuh Station Gator - Gibson/Capps
Jays Doc

Class Act Special - Walker
Padron - Sanchez

Josey Wales - Crosby/Wyatt
Serious Threat - Strausbaugh
Chambliss Mill Pepper - Gibson/Capps
Heard Hill Queen Mary Heard

Chasehill Little Bud - Richardson
Bittersweet Deluxe - Sanchez

No Boundaries - Hood
Calicos Catch and Release - Henderson

Maple Sugar Nugget - Joyl
Jambacks Sugar - Capps

Spectacular Gold Streak - Walker/Hicks
Annafield Buck - Linder/Sanchez
Tripmaker - Perry
Hard up Road Jessie - Moore
GI Jane - Perry
One Wicked Woman - Nitchman
Uplander Pocahantus - Steele
Jamback Miss America - Capps/Gibson

Iron Stone Jungle King - Richardson
Cisco Kid - Perry
Cox Arc Fault - Cox
Quicksilver Quick Fire - Stallings

Panther Creek Snapshot - Rutland
Bluebar Dot - Hood/Perry

RJs Hardcopy - Walker
SF Pocket Knife - Bollendorf

US Shooting Dog Invitational

Day 1
Brace1:Dogwood Meg
Calico's Catch n Release

Brace 2:Ninnescah Nicole
Erin's Little Engine

Brace 3: Elhew Gunner
Nella Running Tab

Brace 4:Klee's Calypso
Merrihill's Carolina

Brace 5: Serious Threat
Mohawk Mill Dana

Brace 6: Buaffalo Creek
The Insider

Day Two

Brace 1: Buffalo Creek
Mohawk Mill Dana

Brace 2: Serious Threat
Merrihill's Carolina

Brace 3: Klee's Calypso
The Insider

Brace 4: Elhew Gunner
Nella Running Tab

Brace 5: Ninnescah Nicole
Dogwood Meg

Brace 6: Calico's Catch N Release
Erin's Little Engine

Southeastern Open Shooting Dog Championship

Southeastern Open Shooting Dog Championship
February 24, 2010
Grounds: Coney Lake Plantation, Leesburg, GA
Hosted by: Tailfeathers

1st Brace Ochlocknee Hawk Charles Morton PM
Nonami Bobby Jones Ray Pearce PM

2nd Brace Offlee Amazin Kinkelaar PM
Cox's Arc Fault Brent Cox PM

3rd Brace Hamilton's Madison T. Gellhaus SF
A Tarheel Longshot J.C. Turner SM

4th Brace Hot Topic Kinkelaar PF
Ice A Dot Ed Chance PF - IS

5th Brace Skydancer Makin Time T. Gellhaus SM
A Tarheel Covergirl J. C. Turner PF

6th Brace Dogwood Meg Kinkelaar PF
Wired Up Charles Morton PM


7th Brace Erin's Dancin Queen Luke Eisenhart PF
Appalachian Bell J. C. Turner PF

8th Brace Gypsy Elhew Hannah Jason Williams PF
Zambro Molly Mae T. Gellhaus PF - IS

9th Brace A Tarheel Sweetlick J. C. Turner PF
Erin's Backstreet Affair Luke Eisenhart PF

10th Brace Duke's Bella Dancer T. Gellhaus PF - IS
Mohawk Mill Dana Luke Eisenhart PF

11th Brace Elhew Hanabel Kinkelaar PF
Piney Grove Bob J.C. Turner PM

12th Brace Heaven's Elhew Taggert T. Gellhaus PM
Phillips Highline Luke Eisenhart PM


13th Brace Erin's Black Fury Luke Eisenhart PM
Bittersweet Delux T. Gellhaus PM

14th Brace Zambro Ace T. Gellhaus PM
The Insider Luke Eisenhart SM

15th Brace Mom's Apple Pie Jason Williams PF
Mohawk Mill Rouge Daryl Thomas PM

16th Brace Wind Flower Bob Pombrio PF
Runnin Tab Kinklaar PM

17th Brace Line Buster Billy Henley PM
Thunderbird Sky Dancer T. Gellhaus SM

18th Brace Thunderbird Punch Buggy T. Gellhaus SM
Awsum Angel Luke Eisenhart SF


19th Brace Richfield Silver Bell Luke Eisenhart PF
Pheasant Ridge Happy T. Gellhaus PM

20th Brace Double Trouble Joe Matt Basilone PM
Merrihill Dakota Kinklear PF

21st Brace Erin's Little Engine Luke Eisenhart PM
Beckworth Zeke T. Gellhaus PM

22nd Brace Snow Warning Luke Eisenhart PM
Hawthorne Kate Jim Tande PF

23rd Brace Heaven's Houdini Gates T. Gellhaus PM
Street Sense Jason Williams PM

24th Brace Erin's Special Force Matt Basilone PM
4 River Commander Kinklear PM


25th Brace Merrihill Carolina Kinklear PF
Seminole Tar Billy Henley PM

26th Brace Erin's Sky Dancer Luke Eisenhart SF

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2010 Beaver Creek-Open Shooting Dog Classic DiLane Plantation Waynesboro, GA

Beaver Creek-Open Shooting Dog Classic
DiLane Plantation
Waynesboro, GA

1a) Klee’s Handsome Hank Tracy
1b) Erins Black Fury Eisenhart
2a) Stone Tavern Matrix Tracy
2b) Merrihill’s Carolina Kinkelaar
3a) Dream Hawk Kinkelaar
3b) Awsum Angel Eisenhart
4a) Our Big Bully Tracy
4b) Phillips High Line Eisenhart
5a) Great River Ice Tracy
5b) Ridge Creek Cody Kinkelaar
6a) Lawless Lady Tracy
6b) Richfield Silver Bell Eisenhart
7a) Heritage Tracy
7b) Running Tab Kinkelaar
8a) Klee’s Shooting Star Tracy
8b) The Insider Eisenhart
9a) Harbor City Cash Basilone
9b) Merrihill’s Dakato Kinkelaar
10a) Erin’s War Creek Eisenhart
10b) Four River Commander Kinkelaar
11a) Erin’s Future Force Basilone
11b) Hot Topic Kinkelaar
12a) Erin’s Sky Dancer Eisenhart
12b) Fazan’s Delite Basilone
13a) Sound Investment Eisenhart
13b) Dogwood Meg Kinkelaar
14a) Elhew Hannibell Kinkelaar
14b) Troy Gellhaus/Perkins
15a) Fazan’s Stress Free Basilone
15b) Erin’s Little Engine Eisenhart
16a) Deaner Gellhaus/Perkins
16a) Awflee Amazin Kinkelaar
17a) Erin’s Backstreet Affair Eisenhart
17b) Double Trouble Joe Basilone
18a) Max Gellhaus/Perkins
18b) Erin’s Dancing Queen Eisenhart
19a) Scout Gellhaus/Perkins
19b) Tall River Hester
20a) Molly Gellhaus/Perkins
20b) Mason Doshe
21a) Rocky Ridge Dan Hester
21a) Ace Gellhous/Perkins
22a) Madison Gellhous/Perkins
22b) Flatwood Bo Jack Hester
23a) Bandit Gellhous/Perkins
23b) Lady Doshe
24a) Tag Gellhous/Perkins
24b) Quick Marchman Hardterms Hester
25a) Zeke Gellhous/Perkins
25b) Belfield Silver Hester
26a) Dee Doshe
26b) Happy Gellhous/Perkins
27a) Rock Gellhous/Perkins
27b) Bye --------

Thursday, February 11, 2010

U S Complete National Amateur Championship

The judges Jerry Raynor and George Fazan did a wonderful job both judging and keeping a fair playing field through some tough weather. On day one we ran 5 braces and called the 6 brace due to weather and poor lighting conditions. On day 2 we ran 6 braces. On day 3 we ran 4 braces concluding the Championship around 12 with the announcement shortly after. We had many fine performances with many dogs completing the hour. As Mert mentioned above named Ch and Ru-Up were as follows.

Champion- Bob's Miler Sue-- Bobby Phillips

Runner Up Champion- Merritts Pearl--Terry Merritt

Honorable Mention--Bryants Town Snake Eyes--Ricky Bryant/Johnny Lewis

In the classic juges Dennis Snyder and Larry Craig had some very good performances.

1st- slim jim epm harris/ ecker

2nd- mask of zorro esm grogger/ ecker

3rd- class act liz epf warters/ terlizzi

Monday, February 8, 2010


Judges have named

Coveyrise Offlee Amazin the National Open Shooting Dog Champion.

Offlee Amazin is owned by Dr.'s Thomas and Robyn Morgan and Gary Hertz.  

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Local paper writes on the National

The Memphis paper usually has a number of articles regarding The National. They have started today.

Memphis Commercial Appeal

U S Complete National Amateur Championship

Champion- Bob's Miler Sue-- Bobby Phillips
Runner Up Champion- Merritts Pearl--Terry Merritt
Honorable Mention--Bryants Town Snake Eyes--Ricky Bryant/Johnny Lewis

Friday, February 5, 2010

Alabama Open All- Age Championship

Hell Creek WMA
New Albany, MS
Judges:  Cecil Rester and Greg St. John
CH  Erin’s Whisky River  Sean Derrig O/H
RU-CH  Gamemaker Fred Corder O/ Randy Downs H

CH Erin's Whiskey River

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

OK Open Shooting Dog CH concluded.

The weather has caused a cancellation of the remainder of the braces of the Oklahoma Shooting Dog CH.

The Judges named Salty Dog Playmaker, a pointer male, owned by Jeff Frasier and handled by Marvin McDowell the champion and Ninnescah Nicole, a pointer female owned by Dr. Richard Steckley and handled by Chuck Stretz runner up.  The stake originally drew 68 dogs but 30 were run before the cancellation.

CH Salty Dog Playmaker 

Monday, February 1, 2010



1.  Nella's Runnin Tab         S. Kinkelaar                  V. Matheson
1.  Cisco Kid                     G. Tracy                      B. Perry

2.  Voyger                        G. Tracy                      D. Conicelli
2.  Erin's Little Engine         L. Eisenhart                  T. Johnson

3.  Lawless Lady               M. Tracy                       J. Donze
3.  Dogwood Meg              S. Kinkelaar                   M. Watkins & C. Nalley

4.  Phillips High Line           L. Eisenhart                   B. Leet
4.  Bay Country Hope        J. Tracy                        K. Thomas

5.  Elhew Gunner               D. Ray                         F. & B. Rowan
5.  Dream Keeper              L. Eisenhart                   T. Brigman

6.  Calico Catch & Release  G. Tracy                       D. Harris & Calico Kennels
6.  Gypsy's Elhew Hannah   J. Williams                     J. Fisher

7.  Klee's Shooting Star      M. Tracy                       A. Clark
7.  My Mustang Sally         D. Ray                           T. Moore

8.  Talisman                     M. Tracy                        S. Duerksen
8.  Four Rivers Commander  S. Kinkelaar                    J. Haranf & S. Schrum

9.  Buffalo Creek                M. Tracy                       R. Kane
9.  The Insider                  L. Eisenhart                    J. Fort

10. Sukara's Grace             J. Tracy                        B. Johnson
10. Bridges Lake Pat           D. Ray                          T. Moore

11. Mom's Apple Pie            J. Williams                     J. Fisher
11. Erin's Dancing Queen      L. Eisenhart                  T. Downs

12.  Barbaro                        D. Ray                         F. & B. Rowan
12.  Erin's Backstreet Affair    L. Eisenhart                  T. Downs

13.  Klee's Calypso               M. Tracy                      R. & S. Duerksen
13.  Street Sense                J. Williams                     H. Johnson

14.  Great River Dominator     J. Tracy                       W & G Stover & P. Bosse
14.  Annafield Buck              G. Tracy                       A. Linder

15.  Calico's Tom Thumb       D. Ray                          L. Ray & J. Morris
15.  M. Kid Rock                  G. Tracy                       M. Primm

16.  Serious Threat              M. Tracy                       G. Strausbaugh
16.  Merryhill Dakota            S. Kinkelaar                    B. Merrifield

17.  Hot Topic                    S. Kinkelaar                    B. & M. Sand
17.  Klee's Handsome Hank    M. Tracy                       R, & S. Duerksen

18.  Calico's Dynomite          G. Tracy                        D. Conicelli & M. Tracy
18.  Covey Rise Offlee Amazin S. Kinkelaar                  G. Hertz & T & R Morgan

19.  Stone Tavern Matrix       M. Tracy                      D. Conicelli
19.  Merrihill Carolina             S. Kinkelaar                  B. Merrifield

20.  No Rules                       G. Tracy                      A. Linder
20.  Elhew Hanna Bell            S. Kinkelaar                  T. & R. Morgan

21.  Chase Hill Little Bud        J. Stolgtis                    J. Stolgtis
21.  Big & Rich                     G. Tracy                      T. & B. Hamilton

22.  Mohawk Mill Dana           L. Eisenhart                  T. Downs


The Region 3 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship began January 20 and after three and a half days of running. Judges Brenda Ballantine
of Blythewood, S. C., and George Kimbrell of Fort Mill, S. C., named Calico’s Catch N Release, four-year-old white and liver pointer male owned by Calico Kennels and Doug Harris and handled by Frank Henderson, the champion. Runner-up was Crouch’s Prerogative, seven-year-old white and black pointer female owned and handled by Jeff Crouch.

The Championship had 40 entries and was held at the H. Cooper Black Field Trial Area in Patrick, S. C.

Cajun Open All-Age Classic

Forty-two dogs in the Solatex Club’s Cajun Open All-Age Classic and 12 in the Open Derby competed at the Black Prairie grounds near Columbus, Miss.

Winner of the Cajun Classic was Chief Two Feathers, pointer male owned by Thorpe McKenzie and Bob Walthall of Tallahasssee, Fla., and handled by
Steve Hurdle. Second was Erin’s Stoney River, pointer male owned and handled by Sean Derrig of Bannockburn, Ill. Third was Hytest Sky Hawk, setter
male owned by Jack W. Elliott of Knoxville, Tenn., and handled by Ray Warren.

Judges for this renewal were Sonny Addison of Osyka, Miss., and the writer of Picayune, Miss.